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Welcome to my new site!

06 Oct 2016 . category: personal . Comments

So I have migrated my blog site over from Wordpress with HostGator to Jekyll with Github Pages. The reasons for this were manyfold. They were:

  • Needed a revamp
  • Save money
  • Simplified blogging system

The repo for this site can be found here

I am not 100% sure how often I will actually blog because last time was probably a complete failure. This time I will see how it goes but mainly I want to keep it as a personal branding of myself on the digital web. From time to time, I may add posts for my personal thoughts on things going on in my life and things I am currently learning.

Below is an animated gif of my old site :smile: (which I have dockerized into a private repo for now, just in case I ever want to resurrect it)

Old Wordpress Website
